As a horse lover and owner, you know that your horse’s health and well-being are of utmost importance. From providing the best nutrition to ensuring they are comfortable and happy, you do everything in your power to make sure your equine companion is thriving. However, even with the best care, horses, especially those involved in high-performance activities like horse racing, can be prone to a common and painful condition known as equine gastric ulcers syndrome (EGUS).

EGUS is a prevalent issue among horses, particularly in those who are subjected to rigorous training and competition. This condition can cause a range of symptoms, including poor appetite, weight loss, behavioral changes, and performance issues. If left untreated, ulcers can have a significant impact on your horse’s overall health and well-being.

Thankfully, there is a solution that can help your horse combat and prevent ulcers: Omeprazole 2.28g Paste. This medication is specifically formulated to treat and prevent ulcers in horses, providing much-needed relief and support for your equine athlete. Let’s take a closer look at how Omeprazole 2.28g Paste can benefit your horse and why it should be a staple in your equine first aid kit.

The Science Behind Omeprazole 2.28g Paste

Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor that works by reducing the production of stomach acid in horses. This is crucial for horses with ulcers, as excess stomach acid can worsen the condition and cause discomfort and pain. By inhibiting acid production, Omeprazole helps to heal existing ulcers and prevent new ones from forming, promoting a healthy gastrointestinal tract and overall well-being for your horse.

Benefits of Omeprazole 2.28g Paste for Horses

There are numerous benefits to using Omeprazole 2.28g Paste for your horse, especially if they are at risk for or currently suffering from ulcers. Here are a few of the key advantages of incorporating this medication into your horse’s care routine:

  • Improved Digestive Health: Omeprazole helps to reduce stomach acid production, allowing ulcers to heal and preventing new ones from forming. This can lead to improved digestive health and comfort for your horse.

  • Enhanced Performance: Horses with ulcers may experience performance issues due to discomfort and pain. By treating and preventing ulcers with Omeprazole, you can help your horse perform at their best without the hindrance of gastrointestinal issues.

  • Overall Well-Being: Ulcers can have a significant impact on your horse’s overall well-being, affecting their appetite, weight, behavior, and performance. Omeprazole can help to alleviate these symptoms and promote a happier, healthier horse.

Using Omeprazole 2.28g Paste in Your Equine Care Routine

Incorporating Omeprazole 2.28g Paste into your horse’s care routine is easy and convenient. Simply administer the recommended dosage as directed by your veterinarian, usually once daily for a set period of time or as needed based on your horse’s specific needs. Omeprazole is safe and effective for use in horses, providing relief and support for those suffering from ulcers.


As a horse owner, you want what’s best for your equine companion, especially when it comes to their health and well-being. Ulcers are a common issue among horses, particularly those involved in high-performance activities like horse racing. If your horse is at risk for or currently suffering from ulcers, Omeprazole 2.28g Paste can be a game-changer in promoting digestive health, performance, and overall well-being.

By incorporating Omeprazole into your equine first aid kit and care routine, you can help your horse combat and prevent ulcers, ensuring they are happy, healthy, and thriving. Say goodbye to ulcers and hello to a healthier, happier horse with Omeprazole 2.28g Paste.